Tag Archives: Internet of Things

Samsung Press Conference CES 2018 — Helping Consumers Realize the Benefits of a Seamless and Simple Connected Life

One of the most coveted tickets at CES every year is for the Samsung press conference, which always receives huge coverage from all forms of media, including live streaming.  Thanks to an excellent business relationship with Samsung, TechnologyX was able to be front and center for this important event.  Once again at CES 2018, there is a large presence for …

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What is ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT)? – Overview

“The Internet Of Things” is a phrase that gets tossed around quite a bit these days, and most people with an interest in technology have at least a vague understanding of what it stands for. Also referred to as the IoT, the basic concept is that it refers to the wireless connectivity between human devices, machines, and networks. The IoT …

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