Normally on our site we cover computer components, however, today were going to look at a great addition to any battle-station, a gaming desk.Were excited to see the the differences, if any, this desk provides from other standard computer desks. AK Racing has been producing their gaming desks for a little over a year now and they have graciously sent one our way so we can take it through its paces.
Contents and Specs
The packaging of AK Racing’s gaming desk is extremely heavy. We actually had to struggle to get this 80 Lb package from the front door to our building area.Moments after opening we observe a minimalist approach to how many pieces there are. We can foresee the installation of this heavy gaming beast to be simple due to its only 5 installation parts. These consist of the 2 triangular designed legs, large carbon fiber surface piece, cable management bracket and headphone holder.
The hardware comes in these three red translucent bags. As they continue the simplicity here, we find an included Allen key for the hardware. There shouldn’t be any need to use the included instruction manual.
In the above picture you can see how big these legs actually are compared to one of AK Racing’s Max gaming chair. From the ground up they are approximately 29 inches tall.
The Surface of a gaming desk is one of the most crucial parts in creating a functional mouse area. As you can see this desk is a laminated carbon fiber design made for mouse speed. Were excited to see if this is functional in addition to seeing the differences between the surface and the mouse mat provided.
The underside of AK Racing’s gaming desk shows the space and simplicity of this beast. Dimensions on this desk are 46 by 30 inches. This should be enough space to be able to fit our three 24 inch monitors on and we cant wait to get this baby built.
Review Overview
Carbon Creation
AK Racing has created a desk that fits any gamers need. Tons of space with a very sturdy design mixed in with some great features makes this hard to beat. Pick your up today!